just saw this new ad campaign by Dockers (of all people) & i absolutely love it. it's a call for men to be manly in a way that they used to be...by being aware of other people & taking care of them...being the everyday heroes that open doors for ladies, help old women cross the street, and are involved in their children's lives. the ad also calls for men to no longer be complacent, to get involved and to not stay stuck between boyhood and androgyny...to grow up. now, granted dockers is purveying that the key to this manly heroism is based on wearing dockers, but i think the concept that they're onto is a good one. i've been saddened to witness a plethora of men who stay boys & who are unaware of those around them so i just appreciate that dockers is addressing an issue that is rarely talked about.
it's funny but i read an editorial on this ad campaign, written by a woman & presumed feminist, who was upset about dockers new ads claiming that women can open doors for themselves & how dockers was sexist and wanted things to go back to the days when women didn't vote. give me a break. i don't think that's it at all. the ads say nothing about women losing rights...it merely pokes at men to get involved and be what men are supposed to be.
and as a fun side note, we just learned about "citizen designers" in a class of mine...professional designers who address social issues in their work & i think this is a good example of that. yay for designers who get people thinking!:)
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