Monday, April 20, 2009

back to basics

i love this's such a good reminder of what's important in life and that we've made it though past recessions before just fine. and on a side note i think it's fantastic that "president palmer" is the allstate spokesperson.:) i think it's going to be really interesting to see what this recession does for relationships in our country. we've become such an individualized society opting to go it alone instead of as a community...i don't believe we were meant to live a secluded life. i believe we were meant to live in relationship and as an interdependent loving community...helping each other out as we go through life together. i see this change in the economy as the catalyst to move several people (including myself) closer to home and family, to go at life a little more simply and to save instead of spend. it's funny how challenging finances can force us to turn to our families and friends in ways that we wouldn't normally. so here's to all the upcoming home-cooked meals and thrifty fun!:)

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